Airsoft Night Game - June 16th 2023


Date:  June 16th, 2023 – 5pm-11pm

Format: Full-Field-Castle Scenario Games


  • Entry to Friday Night Game



Please, take a minute to read through these regulations to limit any confusion on the field.


  • Full-Seal Eye Protection
  • Full Face Mask is Required for anyone under 18 (Not required for 18+ and but is highly recommended)
  • Barrel Cover
  • Biodegradable BBs
  • Airsoft Replica (HPA Rentals available for additional $30)

Recommended Gear:

  • Flashlight (Handheld or Mounted)
  • Red Deadlight
  • Tracers

Night-Vision is allowed for Night Game Events.

Provided Event Items:

  1. Entry Wristband
  2. Team Colored Glowstick

Important Rules to Follow / Remember:

  1. Your gun must Chrono 1.5 Joules – 400 FPS w/ .20 gram BBs
  2. No hanging arms or bodies outside of Castle Windows. Shooting straight up or straight down is strictly prohibited.
  3. General: Players may not move bunkers. Players are also barred from altering or dismantling in-field structures or buildings. Participating players will have an event wristband. It’s reasonable to assume that not every possible outcome or circumstance will be covered by these rules. No one should assume that just because it’s not in print, that anything becomes permissible. It is for this reason that Pinnacle Paintball Park reserves the right to change or modify these rules for the purpose of safety or fairness.

2023 Castle Jam Big Game - April 30th, 2023


High Energy Format, Capped Team Limits, An Event you won’t want to miss!

Date: Sunday April 30th, 2023

Format:  3 Teams, Attack & Defend, Constant Insertion


-Simon Stevens – Inception Designs
-Kevin Donaldson – Master Blasters
-JC Whittington – Bad Company, Arsenal, Dynasty

– Entry to Sunday Big Game
– BONUS Entry to Saturday Rec / Practice Play
– Free Air
– Armband with Patch

Paint Cost: Valken Redemption Pro $79.95 + tax per case

Media: Nick Cucuzza (NC Productions) – Official Event Video

Food: B&B Concessions, Big Papa Jai’s BBQ, Deviled Dogs




7:15 AM – Registration Opens

9:30 AM – Game Briefing

10:00 AM – Start 1st Period of Game

11:15 AM – End of 1st Period (1 hour Break)

12:15 PM – Start of 2nd Period

1:30 PM – End of 2nd Period (1 hour Break)

2:30 PM – Start of 3rd Period

3:45 PM – End of 3rd Period and Game

4:30 PM – Awards



Welcome to Castle Jam! First, we want to thank you for coming out and are really looking forward to a fun, action packed day of paintball with you! Please, take a minute to read through these rules to limit any confusion on the field.

Castle Jam is played in 3 separate 75 minute Periods. In each of the 3 Periods your team will be doing 1 of the following;

  1. Attacking the Front of the Castle
  2. Attacking the Back of the Castle
  3. Defending the Castle

Points are scored against your team only when you are Defending. Like golf, the lowest score wins. A point is earned when the attackers successfully breach the castle walls and hit one of the 2 buzzers unscathed.

*The “Red Buzzers” are located in the front and back openings of the castle* 



-Both Front and Back Attackers will be racing to put up their designated 3 Flags/hit their Buzzer

– Attackers have constant insertion.

– Once eliminated you must report to your spawn point (back net where you started the Period), Tag up, and wipe off any old hits before re-entering the game. 

– Attackers are able to leave the field at any time for (food/drink, paint, air, etc) just remember you have to tag up at your designated Spawn before re-entering the game. We reserve the right to re-chrono you before coming back into play.



-Your goal as Attackers is to score as many points on the defending team as possible.

 – A point is scored in 2 steps:

  1. First All 3 of your side’s Flags must be raised 
  2. Breaching the Castle walls to hit the buzzer.

*Before entering the Castle to score each point each side must successfully raise their 3 flags*

When a point is scored, a horn will sound to stop play. There is a 5 minute reset. All attackers on both sides must report back to their Spawn to reset play. The field is still live during the reset, and goggles must remain on at all times!

Last 15 mins Total Elimination:

The last 15 mins of each period a “Purge Siren” will sound. After this point all respawns/ reinsertion ends. Any eliminated players in this time period must exit the field upon being hit and are out for the remainder of the period. 

*All Entrances to the field will be blocked off at this time, allowing players to EXIT ONLY. *If you want to play the final 15 minutes make sure you’re on the field before the siren sounds*

At this time the buzzers are no longer valid. Both attacking teams must work together to completely eliminate the Defending team. Only if 100% of the Defending players are eliminated will a final point be assessed.



Air Stations with both 4500 and 3000 psi fills are located inside the Castle (Upstairs Dead Center) Defenders use a Kill Box to respawn. 


Killbox: is a 40’ shipping container located at the very center, bottom of the Castle. The Killbox holds 28 players at once in a constant rotating line. As a dead player enters, another exits. On the walls you will see yellow hanging straps. These represent your order in line to Respawn. If a point is scored the horn will sound and the Killbox is emptied for a Total Reset.



An 8’ x 8’ x 40’ tunnel has been constructed to allow Defenders to safely come and go from the Castle. 

Players using the tunnel are considered dead players and must have a barrel sock on their marker.

-Defending Players reentering the game through the tunnel MUST go directly to the Killbox for Reinsertion.

No Attackers are ever allowed to enter the tunnel

No Players, Attackers or Defenders are ever allowed to shoot in or through the tunnel



  • Keep the Attackers from raising flags and storming the walls.
  • The less points you let up, the greater your chances of winning the game.


Defending the Front of the Castle: 

  • Defenders who want to be up in the action can leave the Castle walls ONLY on the Front side of the Castle. 
  • They must stay within the designated white lines and swiftly report to the Killbox when hit.

Last 15 mins Total Elimination:

The last 15 mins of each period a “Purge Siren” will sound. The Kill Box is emptied, At this point all respawn ends. Any eliminated players in this time period must exit the field upon being hit and are out for the remainder of the period. 

During this time the buzzers are no longer valid. The Defending team must hold out against the Attackers with their goal of Total Elimination of the Defenders to score the last and final point.


Player Card– Is an event card that is provided to each player registered for the event. Each card contains Chrono Punches that must be punched before playing. You must chrono your marker to 280 fps or less and have a referee punch your card before starting your day. Each player card also contains a set of 2 Ref Punches. If you fail to follow event and/or field rules, use abusive language, show poor conduct on the field, or cause any problems with event staff you will receive a Ref Punch. Two punches and you will be removed from the event with no refund.  Player cards are considered your ticket into the event. You must keep your player card on your person at all times when playing Castle Jam!


Armbands – It is MANDATORY to show what side you are on. Armbands must be on and visible at all times.


Goggles/Masks– Required on the field of play at all times. Nowhere inside the Castle, Kill Box, Tunnel, or anywhere inside the playing field is it safe to remove your mask.


Barrel Socks– Required to be covering your barrel at all times before exiting the field of play. Failure to have barrel socks/covers on while in the safe area will result in a Ref Punch. Players entering the field are considered dead players until they reach their designated spawn point, leave your barrel socks on until reaching spawn. This shows opponents you are not in play.


Attackers Insertion/ Spawn Point locations-  Each attacking side (Front/ Back) has a designated insertion point. The back edge of netting on your side. No Switching Sides or crossing over to the other side of the Castle. When eliminated you must return completely to your base, and touch the back netting in order to re-enter game play. Attackers have constant insertion until the last 15 mins of play. 


Tie Breakers- Head-head competition amongst tied teams.

  • 1-single full-field elimination round (Outside Castle)
  • Coin toss for side choice
  • Team with last man-standing wins


Important Rules to Follow/ Remember:


  1. The Game Starts and Ends on the Horn
  2. All shots that break on your body (the size of a quarter or larger) and all worn equipment count as a valid hit, including hits on your gun setup.
  3. Your gun must Chrono at or below 280 FPS. Refs will be checking with hand-held chronos on the field. Chrono early to avoid long waits.
  4. Electronic Guns must be Capped at 10.2 bps 
  5. No hanging arms or bodies outside of Castle Windows. Shooting straight up or straight down is strictly prohibited. 
  6. Due to tripping hazards; cases/ bags of paint cannot be stored inside the Castle. You may only take in what can stay on you. *Tip* Bring a Backpack to store extra bags/ Pods of paint.
  7. Plastic/ Metal Cleats are NOT Recommended. Although they are great on the grass, they work similar to Ice Skates inside the Castle. A Boot or less aggressive Cleat will work best.
  8. Defenders can only leave the Castle Walls on the Front Side within the designated White Lines. * Any Defenders who cross these lines will automatically be eliminated*
  9. Paint Checks:  Players attempting to settle a dispute, and/or experience any other problems while on field, should call a ref by yelling “paint check!” Players are still considered to be active participants in the game during a paint check. There are no time-outs in paintball. Referees’ decisions are final. Failure to abide by the rules or cooperate with the staff of Pinnacle Paintball Park will result in removal from the facility without a refund. 
  10. Prohibited:  Prohibited items include, but are not limited to; guns shooting over 280FPS, hot burning smoke grenades, (EG and Sport Smoke OK) knives, paint grenades, firearms, rope, wire, portable shields, laser sights, pyrotechnics, drugs, alcohol, rocket launchers, sirens, and fireworks! No smokes can be used INSIDE the Castle Walls
  11. General: Players may not move bunkers. Players are also barred from altering or dismantling in-field structures or buildings.  Only paintballs purchased through Pinnacle Paintball Park are permitted. EVENT PAINT ONLY.  All players must have a Player Card and an Armband to play. If you lose your Player Card you must report to check-in to get another, you will be asked to pay entry again (Player Cards are proof of payment). Player Cards and Armbands must be visible while in play.  Serious injuries such as broken bones, blindness, cuts, etc. can happen while playing paintball. Pinnacle Paintball Park assumes absolutely no responsibility for any personal injury for any reason, including, but not limited to negligence and/or faulty equipment. You are playing at your own risk.  It’s reasonable to assume that not every possible outcome or circumstance will be covered by these rules. No one should assume that just because it’s not in print, that anything becomes permissible. It is for this reason that Pinnacle Paintball Park reserves the right to change or modify these rules for the purpose of safety or fairness.

Airsoft Operation: Hostage Rescue - November 2022


Timed Hostage Scenario Mission.

Perfect for team-building and co-operative strategies.

Date:  Sunday November 6th, 2022 – Doors Open 9am

Format:  2 Teams, Attack & Defend, Hostage Rescue


  • Entry to Sunday Scenario Game
  • All-Day Play



Terrorists have taken the Prime Minister hostage. SWAT officials have identified the location and conducted a Search & Rescue. The Terrorists demands include a large sum of money, the release of certain political prisoners, and for all foreign troops to be immediately withdrawn from their country. If their demands aren’t met within a certain timeframe, they will execute the Prime Minister. Your country has a strict “do not negotiate with terrorists” policy, so they’ve sent in your Recon SWAT Force. Your mission is to infiltrate the location, eliminate the hostage-takers, and free the Prime Minister.


Please, take a minute to read through these rules to limit any confusion on the field.

Hostage Rescue is played in 2 separate 30 minute periods. In each of the 2 periods your team will be doing 1 of the following:

  1. Defending the Hostage inside the Castle as the Terrorist Team.
  2. Attacking the Castle as the SWAT Team and rescuing the Hostage before the 30 minute timer is up.

This scenario mission will be a time trial. The Attacking Team with the best time will be the winner.

You will have a chance to both attack and defend during the OP.

Included with your ticket is participation in the 1-hour OP and all-day open play.

SWAT TEAM (Attackers):

  • Attackers have constant insertion.
  • Unlimited respawn in the back of D-Block (Outside Castle).
  • Once eliminated you must report to your spawn point.


  • Your goal as SWAT is to escort the Hostage to the Extraction
  • SWAT Team is encouraged to complete their objective quickly to achieve the lowest time.
  • The Hostage is represented as a weighted dummy.
  • The Extraction Point is at the SWAT Team’s spawn location (D-Block).
  • The Hostage must be carried in a SWAT member’s hand(s).
  • A SWAT member cannot drag, pull or throw the Hostage.
  • If a SWAT member is shot while carrying the Hostage, the Hostage must be placed down and the SWAT member is eliminated.
  • Once a Hostage has been delivered to the Extraction Point, the Hostage is considered rescued and the SWAT Team wins the round.

TERRORISTS (Defenders):

  • Prior to the start of the game, the Terrorist team may hide the hostage anywhere in their base.
  • Terrorists cannot respawn (Single elimination)
  • Once eliminated, proceed to the kill-box until the game restarts.
  • Terrorists cannot exit the Castle unless eliminated.


  • Your goal as the Terrorists is to prevent the SWAT Team from rescuing the Hostage.
  • If the timer is up and the SWAT Team does not get the Hostage, the Terrorists win the game.


  • SEMI-AUTOMATIC ONLY for both teams.
  • SWAT is allowed to use Snipers. Snipers cannot enter the Castle and can only shoot behind the designated area (100ft minimum) in D-Block (SWAT Spawn). Snipers can enter Castle ONLY IF you have a side-arm (Pistol, SMG, Shotgun).

Important Rules to Follow / Remember:

  1. Your gun must Chrono 1.5 Joules – 400 FPS w/ .20 gram BBs
  2. No hanging arms or bodies outside of Castle Windows. Shooting straight up or straight down is strictly prohibited.
  3. General: Players may not move bunkers. Players are also barred from altering or dismantling in-field structures or buildings. Participating players will have an event wristband. It’s reasonable to assume that not every possible outcome or circumstance will be covered by these rules. No one should assume that just because it’s not in print, that anything becomes permissible. It is for this reason that Pinnacle Paintball Park reserves the right to change or modify these rules for the purpose of safety or fairness.