Click the button below to complete the Pinnacle Paintball Park Digital Waiver
All players are required to have a waiver completed prior to participation. Minors under 18 years old must have an adult fill the waiver out for them.
Waivers are completed digitally and do not require printing!
- Do Paintballs Hurt? A: We like to compare a paintball shot to getting flicked with a rubber band. Pro tip: the more layers you wear, the better! Paintball games and equipment are designed to make the game extreme and intense, but we assure you the game is 100% safe to play!
- Will Paintballs Stain My Clothes? A: No! We use the highest grade paintballs available that are both biodegradable and non-staining.
- Is Paintball Dangerous? A: No! Statistically, it is actually safer to play paintball then it is to go bowling or be a cheerleader. As long as players follow our provided safety rules paintball is one of the safest sports you can participate in.
- MASKS ON! The most important rule we have at Pinnacle Paintball is that your protective paintball masks (also known as goggles) MUST be worn AT ALL TIMES when players are within the “Masks On” designated areas. Absolute no exceptions! If a staff member sees you taking off your mask off during game play, you will receive one warning. If you take your mask off a second time, you will be asked to sit out a game. If you take your mask off a third time, you will be disqualified from playing paintball at Pinnacle Paintball Park for the day without a refund.
- Absolutely no shooting over the netting is tolerated. Failure to comply will mean automatic ejection from our facilities without reimbursement and may result in a permanent ban.
- Field Paint Only! Pinnacle Paintball Park needs to protect you, the players, from paintballs that will stain your clothes, clog up the rental guns, and may be unsafe. For these reasons, it is mandatory that all players use paintballs purchased from Pinnacle Paintball Park when using our facilities. Anyone caught using paintballs not purchased at Pinnacle will be ejected from the premises without a refund.
- Max Velocity: 285 Feet Per Second All paintball markers must be set at 285 fps, no higher (rental equipment is pre-set at this speed). Players may be asked to be chronographed at any time in the day. Excessive velocity speeds may result in ejection from park.
- Watch where you shoot! No blind firing is allowed at Pinnacle Paintball Park. For definition of blind firing, see below.
- Alcohol No alcoholic beverages or drugs are allowed on location. Anyone who has been drinking or appears intoxicated will be asked to leave.
- Cover Up! Players must have working barrel socks / covers and must have them on markers 100% of the time outside of the designated playing areas. Barrel plugs are not allowed. All rental equipment comes with barrel socks.
- Respect Your Rental Gear Although we realize that accidents happen and equipment does break, we reserve the right to determine if there has been excessive mishandling of equipment and if financial restitution is warranted.
- Referees have final say. Respect your fellow players.